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Dean of the Faculty
Red. prof. dr. Aleš Gregorc Tel.: 02 320 90 11 e-mail: ales.gregorc@um.si |
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Vice-Dean for Education
doc. dr. Anastazija Gselman Tel.: 02 320 90 35 e-mail: anastazija.gselman@um.si |
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Vice-Dean for Research
Izr. prof. dr. Tomaž Langerholc Telephone: 02 320 90 54 e-mail: tomaz.langerholc@um.si |
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Vice-Dean for Quality Development
izr. prof. dr. Miran Lakota Tel.: 02 320 90 18 e-mail: miran.lakota@um.si |
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Vice-Dean for International Relations
red. prof. dr. Branko Kramberger Tel.: 02 320 90 12 e-mail: branko.kramberger@um.si |
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Vice-Dean for Student Affairs
Nina Vodnik e-mail: nina.vodnik@student.um.si |
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Faculty secretary
Anita Fras, univ. dipl. prav. Telephone: 02 320 90 13 e-mail: anita.fras@um.si |
Faculty’s main office:
Telephone: +386 (0)2 320 90 00
Student Affairs Office:
Head: Jožica LONČARIČ – REPA
Telephone: +386 (0)2 320 90 19
Mail: referat.fkbv@um.si
Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00 – 12:00
Tuesday: 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 15:00
Wednesday: 9:00 – 12:00
Thursday: 9:00 – 12:00
Friday: 9:00 – 12:00
Head of Accounting: Tatjana KAC
Telephone: 02 320 90 15
University of Maribor
Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Pivola 10
2311 Hoče
T: +386 (0) 2 320 90 00
W: www.fkbv.um.si
E: fkbv@um.si
Account | SI56 0110 0609 0126312 |
Bank | BANKA SLOVENIJE SLOVENSKA 35 1505 Ljubljana |
Tax number | SI71674705 (smo davčni zavezanec) |
Registration number | 5089638004 |
Zap. štev. | Ime in priimek | Služba,katedra |
1 | dr. Bavec Franc, red. prof. | Katedra za ekološko kmetijstvo, poljščine, vrtnine in okrasne rastline |
2 | dr. Bavec Martina, red. prof. | Katedra za ekološko kmetijstvo, poljščine, vrtnine in okrasne rastline |
3 | dr. Berk Peter, doc. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
4 | Bernad Peter | Služba za vzdrževanje |
5 | dr. Borec Andreja, red. prof. | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
6 | dr. Brus Maksimiljan, doc. | Katedra za rejo in prehrano živali |
7 | dr. Da Costa Domingues Caio Eduardo, raz. asist. | Katedra za živinorejo |
8 | Črešnik Jožica | Knjižnica |
9 | Ferčal Rosvita | Služba za splošne zadeve |
10 | Fras Anita | Vodstvo tajništva |
11 | Grbič Marinko | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
12 | dr. Gregorc Aleš, red. prof. | Katedra za živinorejo |
13 | dr. Grobelnik Mlakar Silva, doc. | Katedra za ekološko kmetijstvo, poljščine, vrtnine in okrasne rastline |
14 | dr. Gselman Anastazija, doc. | Katedra za travništvo in pridelovanje krme |
15 | Ivanuš Anja | Katedra za botaniko in fiziologijo rastlin, Katedra za genetiko |
16 | mag. Jakop Manfred, viš. pred. | Katedra za ekološko kmetijstvo, poljščine, vrtnine in okrasne rastline |
17 | Kac Tatjana | Služba za računovodstvo |
18 | dr. Kelc Damijan, asist. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
19 | Kozmos Martin, asist. | Katedra za mikrobiologijo, molekularno biologijo, biokemijo in biotehnologijo |
20 | dr. Kramberger Branko, red. prof. | Katedra za travništvo in pridelovanje krme |
21 | dr. Kraner Šumenjak Tadeja, doc. | Katedra za matematične metode, informatiko in statistiko v kmetijstvu |
22 | dr. Kristl Janja, red. prof. | Katedra za kemijo, agrokemijo in pedologijo |
23 | dr. Lakota Miran, izr. prof. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
24 | dr. Langerholc Tomaž, izr. prof. | Katedra za mikrobiologijo, molekularno biologijo, biokemijo in biotehnologijo |
25 | dr. Lešnik Mario, red. prof. | Katedra za fitomedicino |
26 | Lešnik Tina | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
27 | Lisec Urška, asist. | Projektna in mednarodna pisarna, Katedra za živinorejo, Katedra za kemijo, … |
28 | Lončarič Repa Jožica | Referat za študentske zadeve |
29 | Manfreda Andrej | Služba za vzdrževanje |
30 | dr. Meden Vesna Mila, doc. | Katedra za kemijo, agrokemijo in pedologijo |
31 | dr. Mergeduš Andrej, doc. | Katedra za rejo in prehrano živali |
32 | dr. Muršec Mateja, doc. | Katedra za kemijo, agrokemijo in pedologijo |
33 | Muzek Janko, spec. | Pedagoške, znanstvenoraziskovalne in umetniške enote |
34 | Ornik Lidija | Služba za računovodstvo |
35 | dr. Paušič Andrej, viš. pred. | Katedra za fitomedicino |
36 | dr. Pavlovič Martin, red. prof. | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
37 | dr. Pažek Karmen, red. prof. | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
38 | Perko Andrej, asist. | Katedra za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo |
39 | Petrovič Marinka | Služba za računovodstvo |
40 | Podvršnik Miran, viš. pred. | Katedra za travništvo in pridelovanje krme |
41 | dr. Prevolnik Povše Maja, izr.prof. | Katedra za živinorejo |
42 | dr. Pintarič Maša, doc. | Katedra za mikrobiologijo, molekularno biologijo, biokemijo in biotehnologijo |
43 | dr. Prišenk Jernej, izr.prof. | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
44 | dr. Pulko Borut, viš. pred. | Katedra za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo |
45 | dr. Rakun Jurij, doc. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
46 | Rauter Klavdija | Vodstvo tajništva |
47 | Rihter Erik, asist. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
48 | dr. Robačer Martina, doc. | Katedra za ekološko kmetijstvo, poljščine, vrtnine in okrasne rastline |
49 | Roškarič Mihaela | Katedra za botaniko in fiziologijo rastlin |
50 | dr. Rozman Črtomir, red. prof. | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
51 | mag. Sagadin Matjaž | Služba za vzdrževanje |
52 | dr. Sem Vilma, doc. | Katedra za matematične metode, informatiko in statistiko v kmetijstvu |
53 | Sirk Marjan | Katedra za fitomedicino |
54 | dr. Skok Janko, doc. | Katedra za živinorejo |
55 | dr. Stajnko Denis, red. prof. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
56 | Šajher Klavdija | Referat za študentske zadeve |
57 | Šelih Mateja, asist. | Katedra za botaniko in fiziologijo rastlin |
58 | dr. Šiško Metka, izr. prof. | Katedra za genetiko |
59 | dr. Škorjanc Dejan, red. prof. | Katedra za živinorejo |
60 | mag. Škorjanc Ksenija | Knjižnica |
61 | mag. Špec Natalija | Vodstvo tajništva |
62 | Štefok Danica | Katedra za mikrobiologijo, molekularno biologijo, biokemijo in biotehnologijo |
63 | dr. Šušek Andrej, izr. prof. | Katedra za ekološko kmetijstvo, poljščine, vrtnine in okrasne rastline |
64 | Ternjak Tina, asist. | Katedra za genetiko |
65 | Težak Katja, lekt. | Katedra za tuje jezike |
66 | Tojnko Nina | Katedra za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
67 | dr. Tojnko Stanislav, red. prof. | Katedra za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
68 | dr. Turk Jernej, red. prof. | Katedra za agrarno ekonomiko in razvoj podeželja |
69 | dr. Unuk Tatjana, red. prof. | Katedra za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
70 | dr. Urbanek Krajnc Andreja, izr. prof. | Katedra za botaniko in fiziologijo rastlin |
71 | mag. Valdhuber Janez, viš. pred. | Katedra za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo |
72 | dr. Vindiš Peter, doc. | Katedra za biosistemsko inženirstvo |
73 | mag. Vogrin Andrej, viš. pred. | Katedra za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
74 | dr. Vršič Stanko, red. prof. | Katedra za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo |
75 | Vukmanič Tjaša | Projektna in mednarodna pisarna |
Univerzitetni kmetijski center Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede (z botaničnim vrtom) | ||
76 | Bardetska Oksana | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
77 | Balažič Marjeta | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
78 | Brunec Metod | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
79 | Čas Janko | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
80 | Furjan Marjan | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
81 | Gap Rok | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
82 | Horvat Jasmina | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
83 | Ignatijev Iztok | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
84 | mag. Janžekovič Ignac | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
85 | Jus Andreja | Univerzitetni kmetijski center FKBV |
86 | Kavkler Uroš | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
87 | Koren Dejan | Univerzitetni kmetijski center FKBV |
88 | Koren Maja | Center za poljedelstvo in vrtnarstvo |
89 | Korošec Milena | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
90 | Kovačec Peter | Center za živinorejo |
91 | Krajnc Jožica | Center za živinorejo |
92 | Kramer Peter | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
93 | Kuzman Violeta | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
94 | Lerš Matjaž | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
95 | Lešnik Marjeta | Univerzitetni kmetijski center FKBV |
96 | Mesarec Nikolina | Univerzitetni kmetijski center FKBV |
97 | Mušič Irena | Univerzitetni center za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo |
98 | Ornik Jelica | Center za poljedelstvo in vrtnarstvo |
99 | Pivec Janez | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
100 | Pivec Metka | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
101 | Pregl Renata | Center za poljedelstvo in vrtnarstvo |
102 | Rojs Drago | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
103 | Sajko Robert | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
104 | Simonič Jožica | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
105 | Stramšak Tamara | Center za poljedelstvo in vrtnarstvo |
106 | Stoicev Jovanka | Center za sadjarstvo in predelavo sadja |
107 | Škorjanec Peter | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
108 | Štern Helena | Univerzitetni kmetijski center FKBV |
109 | Tomašek Marija | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
110 | Veber Branka | Center za gozdarstvo z botaničnim vrtom |
111 | Žnidarič Boris | Univerzitetni kmetijski center FKBV |
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Department of Biosystems Engineering
Department of Botany and Plant Physiology
Department of Organic Agriculture, Crops, Vegetables and Ornamentals
Department of Phytomedicine
Department of Genetics
Department of Chemistry, Agrochemistry and Pedology
Department of Mathematical Methods, Informatics and Statistics in Agriculture
Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Nutrition
Department of Fruit Growing and Processing
Department of Grassland and Forage Production
Department of Viticulture and Enology
Department of Professional Foreign Languages
Department of Animal Science
In the academic year 2008/09, the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences moved to Pivola 10, Hoče, to a new building.
The teaching process takes place mainly in the new Faculty building in Pivola, which is in close proximity to the University Agricultural Centre of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Viticulture and winemaking classes takes place at Meranovo. Part of the lectures are also held at Villa Pohorski dvorec. A lot of the practical teaching takes place at the University Agricultural Centre’s estate, within the framework of the ‘Master Farms’ project and in at successful agricultural businesses throughout Slovenia.
The new building of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences located in Pivola, Hoče, has a total area of 5808 m2.
The Library of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences is a specialized higher education library and, together with other UM higher education libraries and the University Library of Maribor, co-creates and actively participates in the University of Maribor Library and Information System – KISUM. Together with other libraries, it creates the mutual catalogue of Slovenia (COBISS/OPAC).
The library has reading rooms, storage and other areas for the storage of library materials, areas for interacting with users (including catalogue areas, lending desks, copying facilities, etc.) and staff working areas.
The agricultural holding covers an area of 400 hectares and is situated on the slopes of Pohorje. The farm operates on two sites: the Pohorski dvor area where we can find fruit, arable and vegetable growing areas, a greenhouse, a stable, a botanical garden and a large part of the forest, and the Meranovo area, with vineyards, a cellar, a refreshment room and the other part of the forest. More than 2/3 of the agricultural area of the holding is in an Out of Delivery Area. The farm is managed by the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Maribor.
The University Agricultural Centre is the basis for teaching practical skills to the students and carrying out various experiments which are the basis for the students’ theses. The farm is also used for various experiments by our employed researchers in order to publish scientific and professional papers, and is increasingly becoming a place where new knowledge is transferred into practice.
Of course, on such a large estate, we are also engaged in commercial activities, which are practically the only source of income for our employees and provide us with cash for capital investment and development.
In the first few years after the takeover, almost all the vineyards at Meranovo were modernised, and at just over 15 hectares and an altitude of 503 metres above sea level, it is the highest located vineyard of its size in Slovenia. We have modernised and equipped the wine cellar where we now use state-of-the-art technology to nurture excellent wines with many top awards from national and international competitions. Our most represented variety is Sauvignon, followed by Rhine Riesling and Laško Riesling, Traminer, the Müller-Thurgau, Pinot Grigio and Pinot Noir, from which we also produce excellent sparkling wines.
We also have a refreshment room at Meranovo, where we serve traditional Styrian dishes and the excellent wines produced in our vineyards.
The Botanical Garden of the University of Maribor (UM) is located on more than eight hectares of land within the University Agricultural Centre of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The UM Botanical Garden is managed by the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It maintains the plants in the garden, purchases new specimens, manages the infrastructure and organises guided tours and workshops.
The Botanic Garden plays an important role in the conservation of endangered, rare and protected plant species. It cares for endangered varieties of economically important plant species and thus also serves as a gene bank preserving biodiversity. The Botanic Garden serves as a nature conservation site (ex-situ and in-situ maintenance of endangered plant species) and plays an important environmental role. It also contributes to education and scientific research. It provides botanical education for the students and the general public. It is involved in a wide range of scientific research in collaboration with the laboratories of UM faculties and other institutions. It also plays an important role in the development of modern tourism.